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Clicking on a search result jumps you to that occurrence. Word for the web creates a PDF preview of your document that keeps all the layout and formatting of your document. Send the PDF to your printer and it will print the way you expect. Microsoft Word is a word-processing program designed to help you create professional-quality documents. Word helps you organize and write your documents more efficiently.

Your first step in creating a document in Word is to choose whether to start from a blank document or to let a template do much of the work for you. Powerful editing and reviewing tools help you work with others to make your document perfect. Tip: For a training course to help you create your first document, see Create your first Word document.

To learn about the features that are new to Word , see What’s new in Word Word templates are ready to use with themes and styles. Each time you start Word , you can choose a template from the gallery, click a category to see the templates it contains, or search for more templates online.

You can work in compatibility more or you can upgrade the document to use features that are new or enhanced in Word Note: To save the document on your computer, choose a folder under Computer or click Browse.

To save your document online, choose a location under Places or Add a Location. Open your document in Read M ode to hide most of the buttons and tools so you can get absorbed in your reading without distractions. For details, see Print and preview documents. Go beyond the basics with your documents by creating a table of contents or saving a document as a template.

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Adobe Acrobat PRO DC is a productivity suite that manages PDF files as well as other documents, improving your workflow with its many features. Adobe Acrobat PRO DC offers a well-designed interface that is easily navigated.

Through this UI, you can customize your ribbons to display the features you use most when editing a PDF document. However, you need to first set up your preferences for better ease of use. The application can read any format and can convert other files into PDF documents.

You can turn Microsoft Office files, web pictures, and images. Adobe Acrobat PRO DC is excellent for managing documents in a work or home environment. The software is capable of reading a PDF and converting it to allow you to quickly fill in forms without printing them and scanning them onto your computer. The program can place your digital signature onto documents giving a personal touch to messages and helps you sign contracts. This will cause other applications to lag and presents the chance that your computer will overheat faster.

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